At the market this week we have a wonderful range of local stall holders. So shop local, stock up on essentials, takeaways, and non-food goodies.

Details of stalls this week…

BBO Wildlife Trust - (BBOWT) is one of 46 Wildlife Trusts working across the UK

Centrifungal - handcrafts gourmet mushroom inoculated logs for home growers and culinary enthusiasts

Crudges Cheese - range of cheeses hand made by ethical & sustainable cheese makers known personally to award winning Crudges

Eve Conybeare Prints - self printed linocut prints and cards

Honeydale Farm - fresh fruit & veg organically & regeneratively grown

Jason's Book Box - second hand books

Low Carbon Oxford - a community group helping people save energy and benefit the environment

Mediterranean - lovely falafel, houmous, snacks & sweet treats

Natural Bread - handcrafted speciality breads

Salad Daze - a wonderful collection of homemade vegetarian and vegan savoury dishes

Sin Azucar Organic Chocolate - pure, clean chocolate using only organic ingredients, no refined sugar, no soy, no additives, naturally vegan

The Trading Post - this mobile cafe serves artisan barista coffees, spicy chai, fine teas, and real hot chocolate from the iconic little green vespa-van

Willowbrook Farm - free range chicken, lamb, beef, eggs & local honey, seasonal birds, bone broths, handmade tallow soaps, garlic honey, beef tallow, plus Zaytoun Palestinian charity produce