The East Oxford Farmers' and Community Market is a Community Benefit Society, which is a type of 'Registered Society' (a co-op would be the other type), registered with the Financial Conduct Authority. This kind of society exists in order to carry on business for the benefit of the community, whether that community are members or not, and not for anyone's private benefit. Profits go towards this aim.

The rules of the society can be found here.

Anyone over the age of 16 can join our co-operative as long as they agree with our Market Manifesto and are either a "Resident" or have a significant involvement in the market, for example as a volunteer, stall holder or staff member ("Non-Resident" member). The residential area is defined as a 2km radius from OX4 1JP, but excluding those areas to the west of the River Cherwell and to the west of where the River Cherwell meets the River Thames.

Why become a Member?

  • Support your local market!
  • Help develop a real alternative shopping experience
  • Show you care about sustainable food and products, the local economy and reducing carbon emissions
  • Participate in developing Member or community benefits

Each Member has a vote at formal meetings, so you can have a say in how the market is run and develops in the future.

How much does is cost to become a Member?

We have a £5 annual membership subscription which runs from January to December; your first year’s payment actually buys you a non-refundable share in our co-operative.

How can I become a Member?

Just approach the Market Manager during the Saturday Market or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject line "FAO Membership Administrator".

Why is there an Annual Fee?

There are costs involved in running our Community Benefit Society. We have to:

  • keep a Register of Members and in touch with them, including holding an annual members meeting where the anagement Committee (all volunteers from the membership) report on work and accounts for the past year – usually in mid-May
  • submit accounts and annual report to the Financial Conduct Authority.

Who runs the market

The market is run by a volunteer management committee, as set out in our Society Rules. Any member is welcome to stand for election at our annual members' meeting. New members can be co-opted during the year - and help is always welcome!

As a co-operative owned by local members, we want to be open and transparent so are planning to put up our latest annual report and accounts as soon as we can!