Hand knitted & crocheted garments designed and made in Oxford, plus yarns & patterns

The core focus of Sheepish is designing and making simple to knit, and easy to wear, hand knitted garments. The idea is that they can either be bought, or knitted yourself in a wonderful range of Donegal aran tweed.

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Also on offer are baskets and baskets of yarn in hemp, linen, cotton, silk, alpaca, mohair and much more - most are at 1/2 price
If there is demand I could also bring along tubes of buttons, or knitting needles (both straight, and circular) - just let me know.

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Sheepish is the latest incarnation of what started out as Port Meadow Designs, a shop on Walton Street. And then Encore One Fois, a pop-up shop on Warwick street. This is very much a sideline for me so I don’t have a website or even a Facebook page, or a business card for that matter. It’s just a sideline that gives me a lot of pleasure.